Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Two "L"s in marvellous?
~ Well, I'm an Aussie. It's a linguist-o cultural type thing.

I'm an early mid late forties fragrance junkie. The history. The science. The art. The alchemy that happens when raw ingredients meet creativity and knowledge. Smelling marvellous.

Once upon a time I was a Fragrance and Cosmetics Buyer for a chain of duty free retail stores. It was kind of fabulous and kind of stressfull, in almost equal measures. Retail can be exciting, rewarding and brutal, and this biz of lipsticks and scent is not for sissies.

I no longer work in the industry, but I do have dreams of being an indie perfumer. I'm currently purchasing raw materials, making my plans and dreaming up possibilities. I've always purchased essential oils and made my own room blends, and making skin scents seems like a natural progression. Maybe I'll just make them for me, maybe I'll make them to sell. Ultimately I want to explore the creativity and science behind making beautiful fragrances.

Along the way I'll be reviewing fragrances and sharing my thoughts, and I hope you'll enjoy trip. And it's true, you do smell MARVELLOUS.


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